Sunday, January 3, 2010

36 weeks

It's 2010! I'm having a baby this year....maybe even this month!! Stewart and I are both very punctual people (we HATE being late), so maybe our son will take after us and come on time.

We finally rearranged our bedroom to make space for the cradle. Stewart and I switched sides of the bed so I'd be closer to the cradle, and it feels so weird to sleep on the "wrong" side. This morning when the alarm went off I almost smacked Stewart's head, because it was right about where my alarm clock used to be when I slept on the other side. It's going to take a little getting used to.

The cradle is so grandparents had it made for me when I was born, and both my brother and I slept in it as infants. I have ordered a cradle mattress which should be here soon. Look how pretty!

We did a little after-Christmas shopping, and I splurged on a couple things for the baby. I've been very good about not spending money on baby clothes, especially since we still have one more shower coming up this weekend. I think this was actually only the third time I've bought anything since finding out I was pregnant. The little sleeper was only $3.99....yay for post-holiday sales!

We've also gotten some super cute outfits from friends lately...

I go back to school tomorrow, hopefully for four full weeks. Surprisingly, I hadn't been dreading going back like I thought I would. BUT then I woke up with a sore throat this morning that has gotten progressively worse, so now I'm wishing I could just stay bundled up on the couch tomorrow. It's going to be a rough month at work, because they are expecting me to do about four months worth of paperwork in the next four weeks. Of course I wasn't informed about this until the week before Christmas break (and I refused to do any work over the holiday.) So I have quite a daunting task ahead of me, but I'm going to try my best not to get too stressed about it.

Here's the weekly picture. We're not sure why there's such a weird shadow....

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