Friday, January 29, 2010

My darling husband....

My darling husband has just asked if I would mind sleeping on a trash bag in case my water breaks in the middle of the night.

He is also claiming that he's going to wear a whistle and hat that says "coach" into the delivery room.

Everybody start praying for me now, m'kay?


  1. That is so funny! I can see him now! We'll be praying for you all!

  2. Actually, if your water DOES break in the middle of the night, you'll be wishing you'd heeded his advice. But really, those puppy training pads are better - they're absorbent and don't make as much noise.

  3. I had the same fear... so funny! I've heard it ruins mattresses...Keep us posted! Hope you get a little one THIS WEEK!

  4. Josh actually made me do that with all three!! He was so worried the mattress would be ruined!
