Sunday, January 10, 2010

37 Week picture

The black shirt makes me look smaller than I really am. I swear, I'm gigantic!

I know I updated yesterday but we got a couple exciting deliveries this weekend that I have to post about. Our stroller (a generous gift from my aunt and cousin) was delivered, and we love it just as much as we remembered. In the very beginning we'll use a our carseat with a stroller frame, but once the baby gets a bit bigger we'll start using this bad boy. (The model in the stroller is Toto, my beloved childhood stuffed animal which will certainly be passed down to the babe.)

I also received my latest camera lens, which was a late Christmas gift from Stewart. It's a fixed focal length lens (50 mm f/1.8), and will be great for photos of the little one. These pictures were taken no more than 2 minutes after putting the lens on for the first time, inside at night with no flash. I love this lens already!!