Thursday, January 14, 2010

He's HOW big already??

Yesterday at my weekly appointment my blood pressure was slightly higher than it had been, so the doctor asked me to come back today for an ultrasound to make sure the baby and my fluid levels are ok. I wasn't really too worried, because the blood pressure wasn't that high and I know the doctor was just being cautious. Anyway, I had a really sweet ultrasound tech, and after taking lots of measurements she estimated that he currently weighs 6 lbs and 12 oz! Whoa! That's what Stewart weighed when he was born, and several ounces more than I weighed. And we still have two weeks to go! It was kind of surprising, since all I hear is that I must be having a small baby, given the relatively small size of my belly. Guess he's not going to be such a wee one after all! He does seem to have some big chubby cheeks (reminds me of my brother as a baby) and Stewart is currently pouting that we can't see any dimples yet. The ultrasound tech is forwarding the info on to my doctor, but she seemed to feel that the baby's weight, which is in the 38th percentile, and my fluid levels look just fine. :-) So keep growing for a couple weeks, little one (but not too much!!)


  1. Yeah Baby Nephew! Get big and strong just like your uncle! You can make it to 10 lbs. just like me! :)

  2. I don't know how they do that weight estimation. My OB never did that with Aine. But most mommies I hear pre-natal weight measurements from have babies smaller that what they were don't worry too much about it :o)
