Saturday, July 4, 2009

10 weeks (AKA The week morning sickness REALLY kicked in)

A prune? Really? Not the cutest fruit so far, but I'm excited that the baby is over an inch long!
I'm also psyched that we're in double digits for weekly progress (remember when you turned 10 years old and it was SUCH a big deal?) It also means that I'm a fourth of the way through the pregnancy. Today's the Fourth of July, and I had planned to sneak in and decorate my mom's walker with some patriotic garland. BUT those plans got somewhat sidelined by the fact that I've spent all morning day throwing up. All I keep thinking about is how I would be handling this if I was at work; thank goodness for summer vacation. I hope this is short lived!
I can't bring myself to take a picture today....I'll either take one tomorrow if I feel better, or just wait until 11 weeks. Happy 4th of July!

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