Monday, July 20, 2009

It can't be! (Can it??)

Everything I read says that I should expect to feel the baby moving between 16 and 22 weeks. Some googling turned up responses on various message boards from women who felt movement at 12 or 13 weeks, but for most of them that was not their first child. So, I know I should not even be considering that the sensations I've been feeling all day could be the baby moving. But I am. Because that's what it feels like! I woke up this morning lying on my side, and immediately I could feel fluttery, rumbly feelings in my lower belly. I've been pretty gassy on an off during this pregnancy, but this felt different from gas. I layed there for about 15 minutes, and it kept right on going, and has continued on an off throughout the day. I only feel it when I'm sitting or lying down, always exactly in the exact same spot in my abdomen. I am trying not to get too excited, because I know it's highly improbable that I'm feeling the baby at 12 weeks. But maybe I'm really in tune with my body (yeah right) or I have a super baby who's training for the Olympics! We'll see if it continues...

***Update: Someone on the Bump just posted something similar to the above, and she got semi-flamed. Everyone said it was gas. My bubble has officially been burst.

1 comment:

  1. Surely it could have been. You're thin, so it's possible that you would have felt it sooner than the average 16-20 weeks. I first felt Aine move around week 14, that little flutter that is so obviously not gas. Don't let the nay-sayers burst your bubble ;o)
