Friday, July 10, 2009

Attack of the pregnancy hormones

I keep hearing about how pregnancy hormones can make a woman overly emotional, but I haven't noticed a big difference up until now. Let's face it, I'm a pretty emotional person to begin with, so getting weepy at sappy songs and commercials is nothing new to me. I might have been a little snippy now and then (sorry, Mom), but no major breakdowns until today. I had just dropped of Mom at physical therapy and was on my way out of the parking lot. There's a weird intersection in which half the cars have a stop sign and half don't. I was already frustrated because I was trying to wave another car on and he was just sitting there. A couple cars were starting to get backed up, so when I thought it was clear I started to go. I didn't see the woman BARRELING down through the intersection, and so brakes were slammed, tired screeched, horns honked. (No crash, but it was close). I knew technically I was at fault since she had the right of way, but she literally was going 50mph through a parking lot and came out of nowhere. Anyway, I threw up my hands at her and mouthed "SORRY!" Got out of the parking lot to the next red light, and proceeded to fall apart. Literally. I could not stop crying! I mean, head in my hands, shoulders shaking, sobbing! And I could not stop! It went on for at least 5 minutes, all the while I'm thinking to myself "This is ridiculous! You are fine! Stop crying!" It almost felt like I was not in my own body, like I was sitting next to myself watching me weep like a little girl. So bizarre. I've convinced myself that it's the hormones, and I'm not becoming a real crazy person.

1 comment:

  1. It's totally the hormones. Welcome to pregnancy!! Whee!! By the way, your brain will soon turn to swiss cheese and it will NEVER come back, so brace yourself for that one! You won't be able to talk and make sense! Call me anytime to just cry if you want! :-) I love you and i'm SOOOOO happy for you guys!
