Saturday, November 28, 2009

31 weeks

I feel like a terrible Gator fan for updating my blog during Tebow's last game in The Swamp, but I know I'm not going to want to do it when we get back into town tomorrow. We've had a great time hanging out with my mom this week, although I really wish that my brother would have been able to come down from New York. "Grams" was able to feel some hiccups and one big kick. The little one was particularly active on Thanksgiving morning, and gave his daddy a swift kick in the belly while I was giving him a hug. We laughed about it the rest of the day!

This was a big week for major baby purchases. After an exhaustive search, we ordered a glider, a generous gift from my mom. Here is our chair, which we ordered in "oatmeal". (I love the stripes and polka dots in this nursery too.)

I also made my biggest baby purchase, for which I have been saving for months and months. Some people may not consider a camera to be necessary in order to prepare for a baby, but I have long planned to upgrade to a DSLR and definitely wanted to do it before the little one gets here. I researched and obsessed over it until I about drove myself (and my husband) crazy, but finally took the plunge with a big Black Friday deal. I've had fun trying out different settings and learning about aperture, shutter speed, etc. I love being able to take indoor pictures without a flash! Here's my new baby for the next 9 weeks, until the real baby gets here!

And just because it's so darn cute, look at the coat that my mom got on clearance at BabyGap!

I've so enjoyed this little break from work and really wish I could have a couple more days before heading back. But I keep reminding myself that there are only seven more weeks of school (9 weeks total) before my due date. We have a LOT to do before the end of January, especially when it comes to making our bonus room ready for the baby. We had borrowed a crib from my friend and Stewart put it together the night we got it. Three days later came the big Storkcraft recall, and of course the one we borrowed was included in the recall. I had some reservations about using a drop-side crib anyway, so this just kind of confirmed it. So now we're back to our original plan of starting the baby in a cradle in our room, and then using a Pack-and-Play when he's ready to move into the other room. When we move sometime in late spring/early summer, then we'll get some actual nursery furniture.

OK, I'm going to go watch the end of this football game....enjoy the belly picture!

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