Saturday, November 14, 2009

29 weeks

As you can see, he has grown to the size of a squash. (Anyone know what kind of squash this is??) My baby shower was today, and it was so much fun! I'll write about it and post some pictures soon. Earlier in the week, I wasn't feeling as many movements from the baby and it was starting to worry me a little bit. But yesterday and today he's been back to his old active self. It's amazing how relieved I feel after just a few big kicks or turns.

I have to give my husband some props this week for helping me with my wardrobe dilemma. I spent all day Wednesday at the mall looking for something cute to wear to my shower, and basically came home empty handed. I was far more upset than I should have been, and tried giving myself a stern talking-to in order to turn my attitude around. I mean really, does it matter what I wear?? I've had a smooth pregnancy, the baby is healthy, and someone cares enough to be throwing me a shower. I was clearly blowing this outfit thing out of proportion. But as soon as I stepped back in my closet, the frustration would set in again. So on Friday night I bribed Stewart with a cheeseburger dinner and then dragged him to the mall to help me find an outfit. And thanks to his suggestions, I came away with something that made me feel somewhat cute and will be wearable after the baby comes. Thanks for enduring my wardrobe-induced moodiness and the evening of shopping, honey!

What, you thought I was going to show you this outfit? Nope, you'll just have to wait for the shower pictures! But here's a belly picture to tide you over...

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