Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I love baby stuff!

I have always loved buying baby stuff, and luckily I've had lots of friends to buy for over the last few years. I actually had to make a conscious effort about a year ago to cut back on all the baby gifts I was buying, because I was getting a little carried away. But my love for baby stuff has not waned, and now that I'm pregnant I'm so looking forward to being able to go baby shopping for my OWN little baby (I still can't believe it!!!) Unfortunately we're going to have to put a major limit on the amount of stuff we buy, because of a lack of space and money. The baby won't have an actual nursery until we move out of this apartment, which will probably be when he or she is around 6 months old. So that will cut back on the stuff I will be able to buy for a baby's room. We may even forgo a crib, bedding, etc. until we have moved. As for the money thing, we've been saving and saving and will be ok, but since we'll be without an income for about 6 months, things are going to be tight. So no frivolous baby spending for me. However, these practical realities have not stopped me from wanting to look at all the cute things out there! Look at some of my favorite things I've found so far.

The most adorable baby shoes ever, from Gracious May. I may need to look for a pattern to try to make something like this when the time comes.

The wealth of cute baby stuff on Etsy is ridiculous. This style from M.E.K.O. Kids is a "pillowcase dress", which I've also had on my list of things to learn how to make.

If we have a boy, someone's going to have to talk me down from going overboard preppy. Look at these things from Ralph Lauren!

I think baby legwarmers are the cutest. You can buy them almost anywhere now.

1 comment:

  1. I will buy you lots of cute baby stuff! Especially since you always got stuff for my kiddos. Good thing there's a Janie & Jack in the Gardens mall now! :-)
