Sunday, June 21, 2009

8 Weeks

This is a big week...our first ultrasound is in just two days! I am excited but nervous, and just want to see that little flickering heartbeat. I know it will calm a lot of my fears, since I keep reading that once you see the heartbeat, the risk of miscarriage drops to 5% or less. I still wish we could fast forward through the rest of the 1st trimester, because I'm sure I'll still do plenty of worrying during those four weeks in between my 8week appointment and my 12week appointment. I think I just need to pray more...

I'm still feeling pretty good. I have had very, very minor nausea that comes and goes, and only one time when I actually thought I was going to throw up. I might have the upper hand on the morning sickness right now, but the fatigue has definitely got it's hold on me. After taking a shower and getting ready in the morning, I am so tired I just want to crawl back into bed. I generally feel like this throughout the rest of the morning until early afternoon (usually after lunch.) I must look miserable, because at the orthopedic rehab center (where mom is recovering from her knee replacement surgery) she keeps offering to get out of bed and sit in a wheelchair so I can go to sleep in the bed. Pitiful.

When I called my dad for Father's DayI told him the big news, and of course he was excited for us. I told him we weren't really telling people yet, but I didn't specifically tell him not to tell my Uncle Frank. So he beat me to it, which is kind of a bummer. Uncle Frank called me to invite me to eat with them tonight, and said that only pregnant nieces were invited. I told him I was bummed that I didn't get to tell him myself. He said "Yea, You should have, because I'm going to kick your butt for not telling me!" And he might have used a slightly stronger word than "butt." He did give me our first baby gift though....a stuffed gator with a little UF hat on its head. Appropriate gift from the world's biggest gator fan.

I didn't get to see Stewart on his first father's day as a daddy-to-be, but I did leave him a little surprise back home. I ordered an adorable little baby T-shirt that said "Daddy's Little Caddy" that is just so freaking cute. He loved it. I'll post a picture as soon as I get back home and have easy access to my own computer. Stewart is going to be the best daddy; I cannot wait to see him holding our baby for the first time. Getting teary just thinking about it!

Oh, I almost forgot to post how much baby has been growing! Legs and arms have started moving! Next week we graduate from embryo to fetus....big moment!

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