Friday, September 18, 2009

21 weeks

21 weeks, and the baby's about as long as a banana. Measurements are different now...instead of being given from crown to rump, the average measurements are from head to heel. Apparently taste buds are starting to work, and he's doing lots of swallowing. Hopefully he doesn't have any difficulty with that, since his momma blocked out everything she was supposed to learn in grad school about swallowing.

The big excitement this week was that Stewart finally felt the baby kick! I had been pretty convinced that I was feeling movement from the outside all week, but Stewart had spent quite a bit of time hanging out with his hand on my belly to no avail. Finally last night the baby was kicking up a storm, and Stewart was able to feel him twice. They weren't even his biggest kicks, so I definitely know that we'll be feeling much more in the weeks to come.

OK, belly shot time. Is this the "popping" that I keep hearing about? The last two weeks have definitely been the biggest weeks for belly growth. Am I carrying abnormally low, or is this normal for 21 weeks?


  1. Oh, Court!! Haven't you figured out yet that nothing and everything is 'normal' in pregnancy yet?! ;o) You look great and your bump is darling. (Aine is excited about the banana.)
