Tuesday, September 8, 2009

19 week picture

I don't really see much difference from the past few weeks....maybe because I'm wearing a looser (i.e. maternity) tank top. In person I definitely think I look bigger, although it's still all below the belly button. Also, I'd like to state for the record that I'm aware that gray is not my color. But not to worry, because I threw on a bright scarf that helped the outfit significantly. Just in case you were concerned.

We had a great time in Atlanta, and I didn't even have to drag Stewart around to too many baby stores to accomplish my objectives! I think we found a glider/rocker chair that we like, although we still have to decide on a fabric (the hardest part for me.) We managed to try out the Peg Perego Si, which is one of the things I really wanted to see. We liked it, but didn't LOVE it like the City Mini. So as of right now, we've pretty much decided on the City Mini, yay! Now we have to decide on the infant carseat/carrier, and whether or not we'll just get an adapter so it can fit into the stroller or whether we will get a separate stroller frame. Decisions, decisions.

We rounded out the weekend with a Braves game, lots of eating, and plenty of talking about babies and baby names. Nancy & Thomas were great hosts as always, and we're looking forward to seeing them again next month when they come down here.

In other baby news, I'm definitely feeling the baby move. A lot. I'm pretty sure that's what I had been feeling for weeks, but it's just much stronger now. Definite kicks and punches. Every once in a while I think I can feel it from the outside, but Stewart still can't feel it. Hopefully in the next couple weeks. Sometimes when I'm sitting quietly and I feel the baby move, it makes me get really weepy and emotional. I feel like I'm connecting more to the baby, now that I know it's a boy and can feel him move. The whole process is just so amazing and wonderful. I can't believe that next week I'll be halfway through the pregnancy!


  1. Just wanted to share--Babies R Us is doing a Trade-in event where you can turn in old baby gear and get 20% off on new baby gear. There are some brand restrictions, and I know y'all don't have any old baby gear yet but if anyone offers you old baby gear you can take it and trade up! :-)

    Anyway, I traded in our old lightweight stroller (an Inglesina Espresso, really similar to the Peg Aria--loved it, but the recline mechanism broke) and planned to use the 20% off towards a replacement lightweight stroller. Well, all the ones that I could use the discount on were too flimsy for a 5-month-old, so instead I bought the Graco stroller frame. OMG I love it! It is so light and quick and has a nice big basket and wheels easily in narrow restaurant and store aisles. I should have gotten it way back when Will was a baby. Much better than plunking the carseat into our Bumbleride stroller with the infant adapter.

    Will's car seat also fit into the Inglesina, and that worked well as a system because the stroller itself was pretty small, but Anna has one of the new Snugride 32's and hers was too big to fit into the Inglesina. The City Mini may work just as well, but it is nice to have one lightweight system for everyday errands. (It's also nice to have at least one with air tires--we've had FIVE strollers, so clearly I have not found the one that can do it all!)

    Just wanted to share my 2 cents on the stroller frame. I am always too eager to share my 2 cents...and usually it's more like 25 cents...sorry! :-)

  2. PS...you look fantastic for 19 weeks! I think baby boys are kinder to a mother's figure. :-)

  3. A blog I follow is doing a cloth diaper giveaway. I don't know if it's something you've considered, but I wanted to share with you:
