Sunday, August 16, 2009

16 weeks

Meet our avocado baby! Exciting developments this week include the bones in the ear, which means that he or she can start picking up on our voices (and my growling stomach sounds, sorry baby!) We had a great weekend doing some baby shopping and hanging out with family and friends in Jax. We had lunch on Saturday with Stewart's cousin and her husband, who gave us the cutest little stuffed lamb and onesie. (Baby gifts are so fun!) Then we got to spend the evening and Sunday morning with my dear friends from college Deb and Ryan. My cough has started to subside, which helps with the headache. Overall my energy level had been ok, although today I was wiped out and took a two hour nap when we got back in town. I have one more week at work before I start seeing students, and I'm kind of dreading starting my all-day therapy schedule. I know I'm going to be SO tired.

So one of our objectives for the trip over to Jacksonville was to check out a couple strollers that we haven't been able to see in person. We really liked the Baby Jogger City Mini, which I think is our front-runner right now. It literally folds up in one motion, with one hand. I think I folded it up six times in the store, just because I couldn't believe how easy it was! And it's only 16 lbs, which isn't bad at all. Here's a picture, isn't it sporty? And check out the huge canopy!

Another one I've heard good things about is the new Peg Perego Si, but since it's really new we can't find one in a store anywhere. I'm not sure if I would choose a stroller sight unseen over the City Mini, which we know we like. I'm hoping I'll come across one somewhere in the next few months. If not, we'll probably go with the one above.
Here's the Si.

Stewart spotted the Bugaboo Chameleon when we went into a fancy boutique baby store, and declared it "awesome". Then he saw the $900 price tag and I had to catch him when he almost fell over. I know there are people who can afford it, but I still can't believe that people actually buy them! Here's the Bugaboo eye candy.

And last but not least, my 16 week belly picture. This was taken early Saturday morning, and I really think my bump has grown since then. It started expanding after our Cheesecake Factory lunch, but never really went back down! I got a cute pair of Gap maternity jeans on sale this weekend for $15, and I might be rocking them this week on casual Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I vote for the City Mini, especially if it folds well. We have a Phil and Ted's jogger and it's my favorite except for the bulky fold. But the air tires are awesome.

    It's good to have at least one stroller that you can snap your infant car seat into, though, so you can easily move a sleeping baby.

    We have a Bumbleride FLyer that I hate, but it's the only stroller right now that will hold the infant seat so I'm still using it. And we have an Inglesina Espresso (same as the Peg Perego Aria) which we loved with Will--haven't used it with Anna yet.
